Pela manhã, visitei uma feira popular underground que é localizada em um dos subúrbios da cidade de Cracóvia. As pessoas por lá não gostam de ser fotografadas pois vendem mercadorias sem pagar impostos. Tive que tirar algumas fotos de forma bem discreta, para não causar confusão. É interessante, pois temos a visão de um outro lado da cidade.
Mas nem só de feiras underground, vive Cracóvia!
A cidade dos Dragões!
1 comentários:
oi Flavio,
why is Krakow the city of dragons?
as your visit in Cracow was fast like some tornado i have forgotten to mention an important legend about our town and why it is connected with a dragon / how you have already noticed/.Here is the story:
The name Krakow is from the name of the guy called Krak who killed the awful dangerous dragon which used to eat young pretty virgins on his breakfast. Each day one maid ! ! Krak made a puppet in the shape of sheep and filled it with straw combined with sulfur. The dragon ate it and was terribly thirsty so went down to the river called Vistula / the same you have seen at Wawel castle/ and drunk plenty of water. After that he blew up on thousand of pieces. Krak save the town with this trick and the citizens were so grateful that named the city by his name. There is also a hill made by people and also named Kopiec Krakusa /Krak's hill/. So this dragon wasn't such nice as these coloured cute dragons you have on your pictures. There is still a cave inside the Wawel Hill which is the place, as the legend says- the dragon used to live. Tourist can visit it and it's pretty long, dark and scary ! Next time you can explore it !
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